sábado, 26 de marzo de 2016

ESA Easy Sky: A great tool to check the sky using different catalogs


We are going to talk about an awesome tool developed by ESA that will allow us to combine in an interactive way a huge amount of images from different catalogs and missions. It will also allow us to superimpose catalogs with sources positions.

The interface is very friendly and it is quite self-explanatory:

You can find a particular source by searching its RA,DEC or provide the tool with a csv with a list of sources:

The epoch options are in the upper left part along with a popup menu that will allow you to configure what catalog images you are seeing.

A menu in the bottom part of the window will provide you with insights about how many sources you have in your fov per catalog.

This is honestly one of the coolest tools I have seen in a long time. This is the way the new astronomy tools should look like: friendly, useful, multiwavelength and combining as much catalogs as possible.

You can find the tool in the link below:

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