viernes, 6 de noviembre de 2015

[Easy trick] Data Joy. Google Drive for coding.

[Easy Trick] Data Joy. Google Drive for coding.

Some months ago I found a company offering a very cool tool for coding purposes. What if you could work on your coding projects in the same way you do it in Google Docs? What if you could chat and work on the same code in group? What about also being able to test the code online?

This is exactly what DataJoy offers to you: an online tool that allows a group of people to work on the same code in real time, with chat features and allowing you to execute your code obtaining the stdout of your code or even graphs directly in your web browser!

You can upload your current python code, csv files... it is full of features so keep an eye on this tool!

Do not hesitte and check it out now!

[Easy trick] Examine an entire directory tree using python

[Easy trick] How to easily analyze an entire directory tree: os.walk

Today we are going to talk about a small problem you sometimes have to deal with: evaluating an entire directory tree in order to find some types of files. Say that the user is manually leaving these files at random places (very typical), that you want to make sure you are not missing a particular file or that you want to know some folders size (sometimes Linux does not show you the size of a folder but the size of a the file representing the folder (4096 bytes), therefore creating a script to evaluate what is the bigger folder in, for instance, a project directory tree is quite straightforward).
The "os" python library has a very nice method called "walk" that will return an iterator you can use to obtain all files names.
We should provide os.walk() with a string indicating what folder we want to "walk" trough.

This option for instance will provide us with an iterator with all the subdirectories from /.

You can even obtain folder, files and the folder names that being evaluated (root)

This is an easy trick that is very useful for many applications.

If you want to go downto a particular subdirectory you should recurrent calls of this method.